You can register and your instance will be ready in seconds.

Everything you need to develop your project

Api Brew helps you to build your API with just defining their schema.
Declarative API

Easily define and manage your APIs using simple YAML declarations. No need for extensive coding; just specify what you want, and our system handles the rest, turning your declarations into robust API endpoints.

1. Declare book.yml

2. Apply book.yml

apbr apply -f book.yml

3. Api is ready with Swagger docs

Nano Code

Introducing a revolutionary way to customize your APIs. With Nano-code, inject snippets of code to modify or extend the behavior of your REST API resources. Tailor your API's behavior without overhauling its structure.

1. Declare your nano code

2. Deploy your code

apbr deploy -f your-code.js
Real Time

Live Mode Interactive: Experience Real-Time Engagement in News and Chat Apps

With watch APIyou can easily make your app real-time. All you need is just to call watch endpoint.

React code example

const wi = useWatcher(BookEntityInfo, {
  filter: {
    name: 'Book1'

const book = useRecord(BookEntityInfo, {
  filter: {
    name: 'Book1'
}, wi)

return <>
    Book: {}
    <p> {book.description} </p>

As result of this code, whenever Book1 is changed on Backend (ApiBrew server) it will notify react and component will be updated on real time.

Language Agnostic Models

Our platform isn't tied to any specific language. Generate models seamlessly for different programming languages, ensuring compatibility and saving development time, regardless of your tech stack.

1. Generate your models for chosen language: [golang, java, typescript, python]

apbr generate --filter name=Book --platform=typescript --path=src/model

2. Model is ready

// generated by api-brew
export interface Book {
    id: string
    name: string
    description?: string
    author?: Author
    version: number

4. Use your model

const book = {name: 'Book1'}

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Ensure secure and fine-grained access to your API resources. With RBAC, you can specify who can do what, providing a layered security approach and ensuring only authorized users can access or modify your data.

Api Brew has built-in Role Based Access Control system.

# User
type: system/User
username: joe
password: doe
  - name: test-role
# Role
type: system/Role
name: test-role
  - action: read
    namespace: default
    resource: book
    permit: ALLOW

You can also prepare more complex permissions. e.g. record ownership.

# User
type: system/User
username: joe
password: doe
  - action: full
    namespace: default
    resource: book
          property: owner
          value: user1
    permit: ALLOW